Figuring out how to finance a small business is no small task. But once you have your business up and running, you realize the expenses keep coming. Every month there is rent to make, insurance to protect you, payroll for employees, and keeping up with inventory. For a startup, it helps to know where to go for small business lending solutions.

While a bank may be the first entity that comes to mind, you have several options. For different situations, different solutions will work best. Many of these solutions are simple yet creative.

First of all, you could refinance your current debt. This usually works best if your credit has built up during the time you’ve been in business. Perhaps your initial business loan came with high interest. If you refinance your loan, you pay off the original loan in full while receiving a better interest offer with longer terms. This will lower your monthly payments and free up funds for reinvesting in your business.

A second solution for funding is to establish a savings account for your business. Even if you can add only a small amount each month, over time those small contributions can become a hefty sum that could get you out of a jam. With business, there will always be little fires, and having a cash reserve offers you easy access to funds when time is of the essence.

Another small business lending option is to apply for an asset-based loan. These types of loans require that you offer something up as collateral. Perhaps it’s property, invoices, or high-value equipment. These types of loans are especially beneficial to a business that is still trying to establish credit. Because you have collateral to offer, you are minimizing the risk to the lender working with you.

Finally, you could apply for interest-free money. There are different types of grants available to business owners and grants don’t earn interest because they never have to be paid back. It may sound too good to be true, and while it isn’t, it’s also extremely difficult to qualify and then once you do, the competition is fierce. Still, it may be worth the effort. After all, it’s free money.

There are various avenues for figuring out how to finance a small business. The trick is you just have to put in the effort. As you can see, the solution that will work best for you will depend on your specific needs.