Business assistance can look like many different things, including monetary support and auxiliary services. Most new businesses are in need of extra funds, but even if your business does not need money, there are other ways the business can be supported.

Getting Business Assistance in Colorado

Here are three places where you can find unexpected business assistance.

  1. Other companies. First, you can get business assistance by speaking with other corporations. Many corporations and large companies have a philanthropic component that offers small business grants. Some of these businesses include FedEx, Patagonia, and Visa. These companies may require a personal statement, an application, or a business plan or innovation.
  2. The SBA. The small business administration has plenty of resources for businesses. They have loans and grants along with free business counseling and disaster relief assistance. The SBA can assist you no matter what stage of business you’re in, from the initial planning stages to opening your doors and taking a first client to considering an expansion.
  3. Banks, lenders, and credit unions. Finally, banks and credit unions can assist in business as well. Financial institutions, such as Aspen Commercial Lending, have a plethora of options for businesses. Whether you are looking for resources for commercial real estate, equipment financing, healthcare financing, or purchase order financing, there will be a solution for you.

If you are interested in starting a new business, you will need business assistance. Business assistance can come in many different forms and from many different places. Three places you can obtain business assistance in Colorado are other companies, the SBA, and financial institutions, such as Aspen Commercial Lending.