If you love talking money, then you may have considered a career in finance. Careers in finance are varied, but they’re usually broken down into three subcategories. There is personal finance, corporate finance, and public finance. Each category requires a different skillset and mindset, but the general purpose is the same.

A career in finance offers a high-paying job and quick career placement after graduation, but you don’t necessarily need a bachelor’s degree to have a career in finance. Here are three tips for going into finance as a career.

Three tips for going into finance as a career

  1. Get internships. Securing an internship is one of the best ways to fulfill the need for full-time experienced while not having all the responsibilities of a real job. Many finance internships are paid or offer academic credit, so there’s no reason not to secure one for your summer job.
  2. Stand out from the others. As workplaces strive to diversify their offices, it’s important to stand out. Especially if you are an ethnic minority, a woman, or a racial minority, there are positions specifically for you at many top finance employers.
  3. If you choose to study, be specific. Companies may hire all different types of people, but if you focus your studies on finance, then you’ll have a leg up. It’s best to concentrate on degrees that involve numbers, including business, economics, and applied mathematics.

Selecting a career in finance can be very rewarding, especially if you enjoy crunching numbers, investing, and math. This field does not require a bachelor’s degree, but it can give you a leg up if you have one. On the other hand, you can still find a good job in the finance field with no degree, as long as you are aggressive with internships and able to stand out from your peers.